A new look a new feel. A new time. A lifestyle brand of futurism.
Caution and warning system, informatics display, integration with xEVA tools, and in-suit communications.
Don/Doff Life Support System backpack
Woman Spacesuits
Protecting the womb from radiation.
Design: To create a system, components, and process that meet the desired need for orbital mechanics, deep space, aviation, space comfort and space Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Utility: To satisfy our customers with the right balance of form, fit, and function within the key parameters of performance.
Futurism: To infuse style with Land and Space development in creating a style that is sustainable, Repeatable, Customizable, Suitable, Maintainable, and Reusable.
Fashion: To fuel story telling, behavior, dress, and look with the culture of living on land as it is in Space and in Space as it is on Land.
Our Philisophy
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Utility: To satisfy our customers with the right balance of form, fit, and function within the key parameters of performance.
Futurism: To infuse style with Land and Space development in creating a style that is sustainable, Repeatable, Customizable, Suitable, Maintainable, and Reusable.
Fashion: To fuel story telling, behavior, dress, and look with the culture of living on land as it is in Space and in Space as it is on Land.